Tuesday, January 23, 2007

i've disappeared - a poem

I sometimes write poetry and this one was written a few months ago after a long phone conversation with a friend. I had just gotten this job in Leicester and she was telling me how she'd lost touch with who she was and what she wanted out of life. I could relate to that because I'd felt like that for a long time and so I wrote the poem. I told her about this poem I'd written for her but did not show it to her because I thought it might depress her. I think it's okay for her to read it now, hopefully it will be motivating.


i've disappeared
no more the me i know
my heart and soul hidden
a false mask on show

it happened so slowly
a tiny bit at a time
a different person i became
the face in the mirror not mine

where did i go
who stole me
how did i lose my essence
and be this person i see

i grieve my loss
i want me back
i want another chance
to return to the start


Maybe I might post some more of my poems from time to time.


KemiMamaLopes said...

Me, Me, Me :) Please send me my royalty cheque.

Anonymous said...

Dear Omara,

Thank you for sharing this poem with us.

I think most people at some point in there life can recognise this feeling of disappearing. I do think it is important to know yourself but also to recognise that changes does change you and you will never be who you were before the changes. Instead you will have to find to new you in you and stay real.


Omara said...

Lise, I TOTALLY agree with you! The past is the past but the future is yet to be discovered and can hold even greater glory than in the past - if we plan for it.

My friend (for whom this poem was written) and for most of us actually, KNOW the past and know that it was better than now (in our minds).

The future remains unknown - could it get better or worse? It's more scary and so I understand why she wanted to return to the comfort zone of 'going back to the start' and maybe make different decisions than she did then. Life eh?!

Nice to hear from you!

suburbannaijamom said...


all i can say is natural phenomenon. did i mention my aunt had three set of twins and coupled with the fact that both my husband and i have multiples in our families. i guess i can say my thanks to good ole mr genetics. lol
btw, congratulations on going back to work. i am curently trying to transition from stay home mom mode to career mom. still job hunting for that perfect opportunity if theres such a thing.
i can tell i am really going to enjoy ur blogs.

suburbannaijamom said...


as i read the latter portion of ur older posts, i am floored. i felt like i was reading the story of my life. as u know, i have 3girls. i pretty much have been home withthem except for a period of about 5-6mths when i tried to go back to work. i feel sooooo onproductive, overweight, unaccoplished and tired of asking my hubby for money when i have been so used to taking care of my self in the past. when i read blogs like urs or bluntremi, i learn to appreciate the time i have withthe girls but i have given up so much. i am in the health field and i haven't practiced in the last 4yrs. even when i decide to go back to work i don't even know where to start cos i feel i have been so out of the loop. to be quite honest, i go thru my moments when i feel especially down. i have to kinda pull my self together so i don't fall of the rail n fall into depression. u know, we r at that age when we r supposed to be taking care of our paretns n it sucks that i can't do anything for my paretns wivout asking hubby 4 money. besides i went thru all that schooling n struggle wiv school for what? to be a gloryfied bbay sitter/butt wiper.
of course those r the bad days.
nothing can replace the memories i have created with my girls n the bond that we have. why can't i have the best of both worlds. career woman and great mom.

France, Italy, Spain - here we come!

Omara's Weight loss progress (started diet 17th March 2007)