I did not leave home until 7am that morning because Kitan woke up just as I was leaving and since I do not usually see him on Mondays before I leave, it was an opportunity to have a quick cuddle before I left.
As I was hitting the motorway, I sent text to SN my manager and AC the other manger that I was just leaving London and could they have someone on standby just to do registrations and icebreaker before I arrived.
I drove like mad and got into Leicester at 8:45am, training starts at 9am. I rushed about trying to get my materials ready: the delegates manuals, the evaluation forms and all the other stuff. I had not used that training room before and so was not sure how to set up the projector. In all my rushing about SN did not even ask how my journey was, he did not say "thank God you made it, what happened?" he did not even have the decency to ask "do you have all you need, how can I help?" I ran back to the trainers room where he was having a conversation with another trainer Emilio. I know Emilio had trained in that room before and I asked "Emilio have you trained in training room 3 before?" Emilio did not even look at me talkless of stopping his conversation with SN. I thought he did not hear me and repeated my question. Same response. Neither of them stopped talking to answer me. It was now 5 mins to 9 and I raced out of the room back to my training room, totally pissed. On my way, another colleague Riz noticed I was 'not smiling' found out what the matter was and sorted out the projector for me.
During a break, I went back to the trainer room to get something and Emilio was in there. He said "Omara, I was talking to SN about..." I put my hand up and said "Emilio, please, no need. I don't normally interrupt people. I had training starting in 5 mins and it was an emergency" He then said "Yes, but I was talking to SN about.." I interrupted him again saying "Nothing you were talking about could have been as important as me starting training in 5 mins" He said "Well I guess, what was it you wanted?" I looked at him eye to eye and said "Don't worry about it, I'm sorted now".
Anyway, a short while later, whilst still training... I get this email from my manager, SN
------------------Original Email --------------------
-----Original Message-----
From: ######, Sanjay
Sent: 05 February 2007 12:04
To: Omara
Cc: ######, Angela
Subject: FW: This Morning
This morning I felt your attitude and behaviour was unacceptable when you came and tried speaking to Emilio, whilst we were in the middle of a conversation. Emilio was checking the Environment, which would benefit everybody and your actions made him feel uncomfortable. It was totally unnecessary for you to storm out of the room.
I appreciate you were stressed and had a lot to sort out, but you left early on Friday and said you were travelling up on Sunday to ensure you were in and ready to go for 9:00. I will have to review this in the future especially after our chat on Thursday regarding your travel time/working from home.
We can discuss this further if you wish.
Can you believe this???
Please guys help me out here. Especially those of you that know me personally. Is it me? I'm thinking it has to be. Would have been better for me not to come than to arrive 15mins to training? I know I am here to learn, but the sacrifice is already hard enough, Tunji is sick, my baby was crying for me and I need someone to cut me some slack.
I have chosen not to respond to his email or bring it up in anyway. He is a coward. If 'them born am well make e say am to my face'.
This morning my New Living Translation Bible says in Proverbs 12 verse 1 "To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction."
We live and learn.
This is my post for the week. We're off to Portugal for a well-needed break with my sister and her hubby and Kitan's 2 and 4 year old cousins (my sister's children).
My next post will be after we're back.
Omara dear, thanks for the e-mail. I think I've finally sorted out how to post my comments.
My dear, this boss of yours sounds like he has issues and doesn't know it! As for the Emilio guy, at least he could have indicated that he heard you and will sort you out when he finishes - to be honest they were both damn right RUDE!
You really need to develop thick skin with them, it does seem a bit of a hostile environment that you work in. Just do your thing, and what is required of you.
I once had a line manager like that (who incidentally is a Sanjay as well - no offence to any Sanjay's out there!) he was a horror to work with, everyone thought so too... I was pregnant and with the hormones running riot in my body I did not hold back in telling him what I thought of some of his deplorable actions, (which for people who know, is very unlike me) especially as I was working BEYOND the call of duty for him! It was an ex-boss of his who knew how he was, that told me to just do what I needed to do for the job and not to let the idiot get to me as it wasn't worth it.....
enjoy your well deserved break.
Thanks for your kind words. I don't know about any other Sanjays out there but if I ever keep pet rats, one would definitely be called Sanjay. No prizes for guessing what the other would be called.
i justthink they r jealous n think u r gettign prferential treatment hence sn comment about ur family/working fromhome n ur prior arrangements when u were hired.
the truth of it allis alot of companys promise ahwole lot of stuff that the won't deliver on or keep to eventually. its just the way things work unfortunately. like the previous commenter said, don't let them get to u. just try ur best to do ur part n really try 4 them not 2 ahve anything to say or complain about becos i bet eventhe slightest thing is made into such a huge deal like the interupting thing
anyways enjoy ur well deserved holiday n time spent with ur family.
your boss wasn't being a coward... he simply wanted to make sure that whatever he had to say to you was documented...and he used e-mail as his medium.
i have to say that in this situation, you were at fault. Simply because you should have been ready. Unfortunately, why you weren't is not a concern to your boss...and it rarely is.
Also, before you interrupted their conversation, you should have excused yourself.
I suggest you have a discussion with your boss so that he can at least see where you are coming from...
Good luck.
Interesting views from anonymous here... when I spoke with the other manager who was copied on the email, she confessed she'd asked Sanjay to speak with me first before sending an email. The attitude he displayed does not foster team spirit, it could be someone else next time and he would not appreciate me being like "whatever". He's 23, inexperienced and it shows.
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