Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Kris Okotie for President?

While Tunji was visiting last weekend, we'd napped and woke up hungry at 9pm so we went down stairs to get something to eat and watch some TV.

There was nothing on the usual channels and we found ourselves on OBE or was it BEN? Anyway, who was on being interviewed? Kris Okotie - talking about his presidential campaign.
For a minute I thought it was an old programme because the last I knew, he campaigned and lost. Was he having another go? Don't these things cost money? What is he thinking?

As we listened, in the midst of his big big grammer, he seemed to be making some sense.

I do (or is it did?) like Mr Okotie, I think we had his album at home when he was a pop singer. After I left uni in Naija, I used to go to his church in Oregun - and loved it. But as President? I don't know?

Realistically what are his chances? With Yaradua and the rest? With the money involved? What about the corruption? Can he really win without getting his hands dirty and compromising his beliefs?

If he doesn't win, who will? An 'Obasanjo puppet'? or worse?

Honestly, I never get into Naija politics. It's just too messy. But stumbling on this programme got me thinking. What hope for my beloved country?


suburbannaijamom said...

i enjoyed going to his church too initialy, but after a while it all became a matter of who was wearing what n i guess it turned to the "happening spot or happening church" at the time. i rem RMD used to go there too. house hold of God. i had such a huge crush on him. he was a sunday school teacher or something sha. i stopped going n joined redeemed b4 i left naija

suburbannaijamom said...

and as far as politics go, i don't even bother. we all know its rigged n people never play fair n not to mention that every one is in it to line their pockest as much as they can. politics is pretty dirty period. my guess is chris has already gotten his hands dirted.

Roz said...

Hey, I pray for Nigeria like mad, our country is beautiful and full of some much potential - Only that a massive amount of that potential is Overseas. I've got no interest in Politics either, but I am passionate about stuff and getting Nigeria back on track is one of them. Guys remember how Nigeria used to be back in the day - It was so much fun and great to be there. We need people to start making a change. When I talked about wanting to go back to Nigeria sometime ago (I was at one Naija get together) everyone looked at me as if I had suddenly developed three heads! "was I mad" I was asked..."with the way things are? I want to go back". I don't know if Okotie has got his hands dirty, maybe he hasn't who knows - thing is we really need a man (or woman) or God in leadership, and we all need to in whatever way we can start to make things change in Nigeria.... we don't all have to flock back there, but start thinking of making waves now, if you are reading this, it means you love blogging you, may have a blog or not, USE your blog to start voicing out your views. If you don't have a blog - Eureka, there you go, you've got an idea - start blogging about changing the hearts of Nigerians!

I think Omara as got me started now...what channel was that again you and Tunji was watching...I'm off now to have a look, see ya

Nael C. Robes said...

Hey Omara
I haven't visited in a while and I wanted to stop in and say 'Hi'. It sounds likee you've been busy. I no nothing about Nigerian politics and cannot comment, but I will talk about pregnancy because I have been there! Hang in there and say some prayers. God will give you what you need, but maybe not what you want!

Remi Fagbohun said...

Not following Naija really does seem like a bunch of tricks to me, from the little I hear!

I am happy to see you guys were able to have some 'you' time.
have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

I used to enjoy his music too when I was a kid. His chances of winning - nil!!

chioma said...

Oh I see the flames of politics have been fanned in your like calabar girl chances of him winning. He really has sound ideas and believe me if all you need to win is a sound speech Okotie is our next President. I remeber when he contested four years ago..everyone laughed "okotie must be a joker" but when we heard him speak we were blown away, he is definetely an intelligent man with lots of good ideas..but we all know that means nothing when it comes to winninG AN election in naija. Make una pray for our country oh!

Omara said...

I've been waiting for your comments Chioma because your are 'on ground' - so if he has no chance, why is he contesting again? Who is behind him? Who is going to win?

BTW - what happened to your blog?

chioma said...

According to him God has told him he will be Nigeria's president so I guess thats enough to keep him going. There is no one behind him oh, just his supporters, congregation(and God?). The guy has great ideas he even started his campaign in ajegunle which was brilliant. I really dont think chris has got his hands dirtied which is exactly why he has no chance..but who knows what may happen God may suprise us.
I just think we should always pray for nigeria, i mean even if our whole family is abroad our roots are still in naija.May God help us.
I changed my url.chiomamom.blogspot

chioma said...

oh i forgot to answer one question as far as most Nigerians are concerned PDP (OBasanjos party) is going the rig the whole thing and Yaradua "the stooge" will win and PDP will win in every state and Nigeria will become a one party state with Obasanjo as the Grand ruler(hes PDPs Grand patron). However, I still have a feeling God will suprise us all (i hope he does)read.

chioma said...

btw read Micah 2:1-5..I read that after Yardua was 'given" the PDP ticket and i felt there was hope. Obasanjo thinks he is a little God lets pray,watch and see.

Omara said...

@Chioma - thanks girl for filling me/us in. A beg continue to keep us updated, this is important.

France, Italy, Spain - here we come!

Omara's Weight loss progress (started diet 17th March 2007)