Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Seeking Joy

I had left work fuming after my conversation with SN and spent the drive home devising my exit strategy and weighing up my options. It was depressing and I arrived home depressed.

My baby was delighted to see me and that was enough to lift my spirits for a few hours. Diane was still doing an 'okay job' but there was something about the house... I could not put my finger on it. It was clean, everything in it's place and Diane was making a Trinidadian dish - macaroni pie with beef stew - nice. Still, everything seemed somehow.

By the time Tunji got home and Kitan went to bed, my grumpiness was unleashed full force. I just seemed discontent... for no good reason. Tunji said "Omara, you have a job, you have a child, you have family and friends, you have your health, your own home, car, clothes, jewellery, money... why can't you be happy"

"Why can't I be happy?"

On Saturday, we decided to combine business with pleasure. Tunji had to be in Kent for business so Kitan and I tagged along. After the business part, we planned to drive to the funfair in Margate but we got hungry along the way and stopped off at a pub. The pub had a fantastic contained indoor play area. There were other children there so we let Kitan off to play. We dragged him back to eat when his shepherds pie arrived but he went back after eating. After being inside for a bit, we went to the outdoor padded play area and he played on the climbing frame and slides. That was how a short stop-over for lunch turned into 3 hours at this place but it was a fun family time, just us 3 and it helped tire him out so we decided to head back home.

Diane works half days on Saturdays and goes back to her sister's for the weekend. I was tired from work and I was dreading having to look after Kitan by myself. Tunji wanted to go and play golf when we got back but I begged him to stay home. In the evening, I bathe Kitan and went to put him to bed.

In his little head, I disappear when he sleeps so he was determined not to sleep. I tried everything to no avail. In between his getting up and out of his room, I was trying to find something to wear to church on Sunday. In my large closet filled to the brim with clothes, I could not find anything to wear - everything was too small, too ill fitting, too inappropriate- nothing fit! I was getting angry with myself and the weight issue as well as getting frustrated when Kitan kept getting out of bed. I had to call for Tunji to put Kitan to bed while I focused on finding something to wear.

I have to do something about losing weight - start a diet, go to the gym, cut off body parts - anything!!!

Anyway, after church on Sunday, I was looking forward to going home, putting Kitan down for his nap and getting a snooze myself when my sister called. She and her husband were going to visit someone in hospital, could they bring the children round? "OOOOh God!" If not that Kitan absolutely loves his little cousins and would love having them around, I would have said "NO!" but I said "Yes" and ended up with 3 toddlers to look after on Sunday afternoon.

Monday morning 5:30am, I'm awake to get ready for work, Tunji is ironing for me (as he always does) and we finally have a 'proper conversation' - I tell him about how unhappy I am with my weight, I tell him about the latest issue with SN, I tell him about how I am happy with what I have but sometimes the things I'm not happy with crowd the happy stuff out, I tell him that I'm feeling boxed in and need more life options.

We prayed and asked God to help me enjoy the many blessings in my life. The devil comes to steal and I must not let him steal my joy. Kitan woke up soon after, which was good because I did not have to disappear while he was asleep but was able to say good bye to him and ask him to be a good boy for his Daddy and Aunty Diane.

I kissed my boys at the door and set off.

p.s. I dressed Kitan up in traditional Nigerian attire (despite his protests of "I don't want it Mummy") for church on Sunday and he looked sooooo cute!


Anonymous said...

There may be weeping (screaming, shouting, frustration, anxiety, discontent, apathy, anger, sadness, lonliness, weariness, depression, isolation, questions) for the night but I know without a shadow of doubt that Joy (Peace, contentment, answers, solutions, help , feeling overwhelming loved or sometimes .....acceptance of ones self and situation and the grace not only to cope but to thrive) definitely comes in the morning!!!

Roz said... know what, life has a funny way of just getting to us, so much so that all the wonderful things in our lives become blurred.

My 10 yr old daughter didn't make it onto her school netball team today, the last few days haven't quite gone her way in a lot of ways, so as you can imagine, we had floods of's hard as a Mum to tell your child that don't worry darling, that's just life - I asked her to mentally make a list. Good things one side, bad things other side. Then imagine if someone takes some of the good things away from you, just to make the bad things better (she has no choice in which good things go!) I then asked, would getting on the team be really worth losing some of the special things in you life? She soon saw my point. As adults it's all about accentuating the positives isn't it!

I'm a size 14 (UK) I can still fit into some size 12 (UK) tops....but am I happy about my weight, of course not....Can't stand my tummy (okay so it's post baby or should I say toddler), arms, too flabby and my bust - lets not go there!

God gives us a new morning everyday... to start afresh and renew our minds with his help, and if we have a off day, we try again the next day.

So long as you are working towards making things better, I'll say, just enjoy your life, you are truly blessed, better believe it.

DB said...

Omara... I know you... this is just a rut you're going thru! Work is getting on top of you and it's hard leaving Tunji and Kitan behind each week! You ALWAYS bounce back! You're one of the few people I know who always bounces back within a short time and you're always so optimistic about everything! So just take a deep breath and I'm sure you'll be OK. PRAY, of course!!

Your weight... please do not become obsessed about it. You are a very beautiful woman and really, all the worrying about weight does not get us anywhere! When you have the time to do exercise... just do it. But please do not get into "over" dieting or anything... it's not worth the hassle. Appreciate all the great things about your body... you have wonderful curves, a GREAT bum, lovely bust, pretty face, lovely complexion... what else could anyone want!! And you have a really good dress sense!!

OK I sound like your number one fan!!!... but then again, I have known you for about 15 years...ugh!! :)

chioma said...

Joy will come in the morning indeed! Atimes those little foxes come and spoil the vine, don't let them in. Atimes when I am broke I get frustrated but my husband like yours always reminds me i have so much to thank God for. It is well! Kitan is looking too cute!

Anonymous said...

the good thing is that these are things that can change.

you can lose weight, and May is incredibly close.

**i really hope you don't shut down when you're done in leicester...

chioma said...

dh irons your clothes, my dear you got it made! lol. I hope you continue your blog, its good too learn from other nigerian women with young children!hmm dzzzybabe has said it all.

Remi Fagbohun said...

Oh sweetie...

First thing first, turn that frown into a lovely smile! No one is completely happy about how they look - even the models. Everyone has something they want to work on, be it they hate their hair, their bum, their stomach etc...mind you , when you look at them you see absolutely NOTHING wrong!!
MY point here is there are some things you can change, and some things you cannot.Work on the things you can change -IF YOU REALLY WANT TO! But if your weight is fine (I dont know what you look like so i am just guessing here) then change your wardrobe to accentuate the curves you have. Its all about making your body work for you!!
I have the biggest feet - seriously! 41/42 not the easiest to get the trendiest of shoes! Especially when you hit sales that only have 37/38/39!! I don't buy shoes (even if they are on sale sef) that do not compliment my feet. If it is spilling over on the sides/front/back - I wont get it , even if its a once a yr Gucci Sale and my girl from Nordstrom put it aside with me in mind - NO!!(even though I may be secretly saying "kai...its on sale o") Only things that make me feel good about my big assed feet!! I am telling you this for a with what you have and be happy my dear. You have a beautiful son and supportive hubby. Love whats good in your life - ITS A LOT!! But its all moot, if YOU dont love YOURSELF!!

Hope this helps - and email me when I am MIA (missing in action)- you kuku have my email addy right??


Omara said...

All your great advice was like an eye opener to me. It's stuff I know deep down but forget when I need it most. And I know, no matter what I'm feeling, someone else, one of you guys, have felt it before - and that helps, because it reminds me that no condition is permanent in this world (as my Dad used to sing) and I have to take the good with the bad while at the same time praying for more good than bad.

@Chioma - Dh irons for me on Sunday morning for church (it used to be the only way to get me out that early) and on Monday morning for work. It's our thing. LOL
@Roz - In the midst of my TTC agony, I made a list of all that was good and came to a realisation that I could not swap one of the things on the list in exchange for the child I so desperately wanted. Thanks for reminding me of that.
@Dzzzybabe - you are my number one fan! I'm not sure who you think you are fooling, but I'm sure you meant to write 25 years instead of 15 years. We're getting old girl!
@Bluntremi - I've missed you and will email you next time you go MIA. You can't be a size 4 and then have perfect size feet? Haba! Leave something for us. I'll be emailing you a pic of my size 39 animal print shoes for your opinion. LOL

Remi Fagbohun said...

ehen so you just had to rub your 39 sized feet in abi???
"sniff sniff" and i thought you were my friend oooooooo

all jokes aside, I hope youre out of your funk now!
Have a great week and well done with the training!!

BOBBY said...

Your little one is so beautiful and i know exactly how you felt when you put up that want something more...more options, new exciting options. Trust me i am the same way and i feel the exact things that you feel.

I also have two boys- one grown man (my husband) and my son (who is just two).

Take care babes.

France, Italy, Spain - here we come!

Omara's Weight loss progress (started diet 17th March 2007)